First, my doctor and I talked about my foot. It is healing slower than I would like, but at least it does seem to be getting better.

Here is a picture of the MRI I had in January. This is the view of my right foot from the bottom. If you look at the 2nd metatarsal (from the right), about 1/3 of the way up the bone, you can see the break. I think all of that dark stuff along the bone is the inflammation.
My doctor wants me to get another MRI to make sure that the break is completely healed and that the pain I feel is just inflammation or muscle cramps. BUT... he was concerned about the results of my blood test which showed that I was low in Calcium (8.7 mg/dL on a scale of 8.7 - 10.2) and very low in Vitamin D (21.7 ng/mL on a scale of 32.0 -100.0).
Who would have thought that I could be low in Vitamin D when I live in the Sunshine State??!! After all, your body produces Vitamin D from exposure to the sun. But Tim pointed out that, where I used to run in the morning, I've been doing CrossFit for about 18 months - mostly indoors - and then I work inside all day. And this really cold winter made it difficult to get outside as much as I used to.
I was supplementing with a multiple vitamin, Vitamin B complex, and calcium. But I did slack off (except for the Vit B) once my training lessened during my recovery. My doctor will provide a Vitamin D/Calcium supplement and hopefully that will speed up this recovery!
April 28th starts my doctor managed weight loss program. I am very happy that he will work with me on this, since I am not really that over weight. But my weight has crept up and I just can't seem to get ahead of it. My goal is to lose a good solid 10 pounds, 15 would be awesome - but no more than 15!! You would think that it wouldn't be so hard to focus and lose 10 pounds, but I just haven't been able to manage it.
I think that with the doctor monitoring my nutrition and energy, I'll get the kick start I need to make this happen more easily. I'll probably get a Vitamin B12 shot and then the increase in Vitamin D will help with my energy slump.
This Saturday is Tim's Tampa Bay Marathon Swim. He will do a 2-person relay with Brian Rimmel and I will be kayaking for them. I plan to go half way like I did last year but if the weather is good, I hope to go the entire distance.
Then, I leave on Tuesday for North Carolina and come home on Thursday. Fraser Cartmell will arrive on Tuesday and hopefully Julie Dibens will come in later in the week. Julie has been sick and may not race St. Anthony's this year. I am really looking forward to seeing Fraser because he is so happy to be a part of the TREK/KSwiss Triathlon team. His enthusiasm is contagious, but it is especially heart warming to see him so happy - and racing well!!
At CrossFit, I have switched from the regular workouts (WOD's) to CrossFit Endurance and I am just loving it!! The workouts are longer and more intense. Today's WOD nearly killed me! We started with 5x 1 rep max deadlift. I did 135#, 145#, 155#, 165#(f), 160#(f) so 155# goes in the book. I did 160# just a couple of weeks ago, but my SI (lower back) is bothering me again and that probably held me back.
After deadlift we did 4 rounds for time of 10 Kettlebell swings (35#) and 10 Burpees. I finished in 5:28 sucking wind. That was so hard... but I got a good sweat going!