Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today, I was soooo tired when the alarm went off. If I hadn't arranged to pick up Dawn to go to CrossFit, I'm pretty sure I would have slept in.

The WOD today was Helen:
3 Rounds for time of
400m Run
21x Kettlebell swing @35#
12x Pull-ups

I did the warm up but left out the pull-ups and the dips knowing that following kettlebell swings with pull-ups was going to be hard enough.

I would normally have done jumping pull-ups, which are faster, but the jumping hurts my knee so I stuck with the blue band. My time was 10:58.

I looked at my past times and they were:

10/03/08: 14:05 with 25# kettlebell and blue band
01/26/09: 12:56 with 25# kettlebell and blue band
04/22/09: 10:25 with, well, I wrote down 35# kettlebell but I'm wondering if it was still the 25#, and blue band. So, if it was the 25# kettlebell, then today was a new PR for me on Helen. If it was the 35#, then I was slower by 38 seconds - and that would have been totally on the run, which felt slower than usual today.

I'll blame that on the humidity... even with my inhaler, I could hardly breath!

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