Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Catcing Up: Part 2

Before the catchup news, my workout today was "Thighs and Tris". For time, 10 rounds of 15 deadlifts (65#) and 15 push-ups (which I did on the knees). My back has been so tight the last few days so I went light on this workout. My time was 23:33 but the best part was that it actually loosened up my back and I felt much, much better after!

Now back to Hawaii....
The marathon was on Sunday, Dec. 13, then we moved out to the cabins at Bellows Air Force Base.This was the view right out the back door of the cabin. That is Turtle Island in the background.
Also right out the back door, we could watch the sun rise every morning. If you look closely, you'll see the darkest part below the sun. That is the island of Molokai.

Tim at Sunrise at Bellows Beach.

During our stay in Hawaii, we did all the things I remember when I lived there as a kid. We visited my old schools - Benjamin Parker Elementary in Kaneohe, Ilima Intermediate and Campbell High School in Ewa Beach, and Leilehua High School in Wahiawa. Leilehua looked the worst, but it looked just as I remembered, and I had the most fun at that school!
We visited the North Shore and Waimea Bay, stopping first at Pipeline to watch the very last day of a surf competition.

One way to catch a wave!

At Waimea Bay, we spent the day body surfing and took some time to revisit The Rock. Hazel and I used to jump off of this rock when we were in high school. We tried to do it again on this day but the waves made it too difficult for us to climb on the rock. Tim was finally able to get on the rock and take one jump.

After his jump, my Dad bought him the t-shirt that says that he jumped from the rock. I have great memories of my days spent at Waimea... it was great to be back!

We drove around most of the island past China Man's hat (above) and took in the Mauka (mountain side) view (below).

Tim and I stopped at a road side shop where one man (I believe his name is Manoa) is the only one to hand carve tiki's. Tim bought one of his tiki's.

My favorite!!! Leonard's Hot Malasada's. They were only good when you buy them at the malasada mobile and eat them right in the parking lot! Eating all the food I remember was fantastic!! We had plate lunch (teriyaki with rice and macaroni salad), ling hing mui, coconut balls, mochiko, Redondo's sausage (that was awesome).... and so much more!! There would be no losing weight on this trip!!

We visited the Byoto Temple (above) and the Iolani Palace (below).

And here is a view from my favorite spot - Pali Lookout.

On the last day that Tim and I were there, we visited the Polynesian Cultural Center and took in the luau (below).

The day after the luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center, Tim and I flew to Chicago - to the frozen tundra. We'll pick up that part of the update in Part 3.

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