Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
How Did I Grow Up to Be Such An Old Nerd?
This would be a non-stop flight from Tampa to Milwaukee, followed by sitting at the airport for over 6 hours waiting for a co-worker to arrive, then a 45 minute drive to the hotel.
Comfort was the order of the day, so I dressed in blue jeans, a tank top, and a sweater... after all, it was getting down to 55 degrees tonight in Oconomowoc. And I decided to wear my Teva's.

I made it to Milwaukee and used my 6+ hours getting some work done (and it took me all of that time to get my work done) so the time really flew. I got the rental car and picked up Carl and we were finally on the road to Oconomowoc. So then he tells me that he'd never heard of Oconomowoc, but was watching an old re-run of "Married With Children" and Al was actually going there! Apparently, the bra style that Peggy wears is no longer available at their usual store and they were headed to the Oconomowoc "adult" accessory store.
Then, I wasn't really sure I wanted to go to Oconomowoc. We arrived at the Olympia Resort & Spa. It's an older hotel on a beautiful property with a lake, indoor/outdoor swimming pool, shuffle board (the old nerd theme continues), and, of course, a spa. But their on-site steak house was closed. I took the hotel directory with me and Carl & I headed out in search of dinner. I wanted to go to "The Red Circle Inn" (Wisconsin's Oldest Restaurant). When we arrived... it was closed. Good thing I brought that directory with all the restaurant listings! Next choice... "Golden Mast Inn" (on Okauchee Lake). When we arrived... it was closed. OK - 3rd time is a charm and just to make sure, we picked "Schwefel's Restaurant & Lounge" (Open 7 nights a week)! When we arrived... it was closed. You've got to be kidding me!!! By now, we've spent 1 hour looking for a restaurant and it is 8pm (9pm Florida time). We finally settled on "Spinnakers Restaurant & Bar" because it seemed to be in the middle of this little town - not that that means it would be open... but it was.
I had a tasty pan-fried catfish dinner that was pretty delicious!
Needless to say, my workout today was traveling and chasing down dinner.
And now, like the old nerd that I am, I'm off to bed.
I think tomorrow night, we're going back to Golden Mast for dinner. It's right on the lake in a beautiful Bavarian-style setting.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Long Way Home
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Art of War

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Fill'er Up
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Holy Moley
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The Blue Falcon
Monday, June 22, 2009
Time Flies - But Not When I Do

Monday, June 15, 2009
The Beer Run
I am a morning person. And I love to get my workout in before my day gets started. It energizes me for the whole day. As much as I am a morning person, I am not much of an evening person. What made me decide that it was a good idea to do an evening 5k run event, I’m not really sure. But the worst time for me to do a 5k race is at the end of the day, particularly at the end of the week.
But this was the Inaugural Tap House 5k where the post-race amenities included beer and more beer. I’m not even a beer drinker, but when they threw in the fact that the top 30 men and women would be awarded with “Das Boot” – well, now maybe I had something to race for.
That evening, while dressing for the race, Tim was focusing on his goal… “19:30… 19:30” he said, over and over before adding… “and then for the 2nd mile”. And for this race, he wore his most appropriate “Will Run for Beer” tech shirt.
We left home early to miss the traffic on the way to Oldsmar and found a nice and shady parking spot only steps away from the start line. We picked up our race packages then walked around to loosen up. We wondered over to the tent where they were displaying the awards. Now Fred Ryzmek, the race director, was setting out to put on a really great event, but I must say that “Das Boot” wasn’t nearly as cool as I was hoping. I was expecting a glass beer boot – maybe even with a race logo on it. But these were plastic beer boots from Hofbrau Haus, hung from a lanyard to wear around your neck.
Any devoted beer lover might actually drool at the thought of winning one of these boots – but being the “winer” that I am, I realized (with some relief) that I didn’t actually have to “race” tonight! But now I had to decide… did I want to run hard or pace Dawn or run/walk with Sally. I’d figure it out at the last minute.
We lined up at the start line and Fred Ryzmek announced that they had been hoping for a turnout of about 250 and wound up with 1200!! Wow!!
The gun went off and away we went, and even while running, I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with this race. Less than ½ mile into the run, I looked back and Tim was right on my heels. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Who better to run with at the beer run than the beer meister himself!
I kept the pace going and Tim stayed with me as we hit the Mile 1 mark: 7:55 (that’s fast for Tim). After about 1.5 miles, Tim hinted at slowing the pace just a bit and we hit Mile 2 at 16:07 (8:21 for the 2nd mile). After that, he had to back off more to catch his breath and we paced a 9:21 3rd mile and finished in 26:13 – which is terrific for Tim.
We’ll start working on how to negative split and I feel confident that we can easily get his 5k time down to about 24 minutes.
Friday, June 12, 2009
A Local Celebrity

Here's an abridged version:
Like many open-water swimmers, Tim Kennedy turned to the ocean out of boredom.
"I just got tired of swimming in a pool," said the 52-year-old mortgage broker and fund manager from St. Petersburg. "I got sick of starting at those black lines, hour after hour, day after day."
Kennedy, who trains with the St. Pete Masters and the Mad Dogs Triathlon Club, has been an open-water devotee for more than a decade.
"It is addictive," he said. "It is like a runner who spends all their time on a track, then one day they cut you loose on some trails. You don't want to go back."
Over the years, Kennedy has swum the entire length of Tampa Bay and around Key West, as well as circumnavigating Manhattan.
"When you get out there, the other swimmers don't matter," he said. "You are out there pushing yourself … competing against Mother Nature."
Like most open-water devotees, Kennedy finds ocean swimming a mental release.
"It is almost like an out-of-body experience," he said. "You just let your mind wander. You swim on auto pilot. It is really an exhilarating experience."
Thursday, June 11, 2009
How To Install a Gazebo
Monday, June 8, 2009
It's a Dog's World
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sleeping in St. Pete
Upon touchdown in Tampa, the elderly woman across the aisle from me did the sign of the cross - fearful, but thankful for a safe landing.
It wasn't long before I was off the plane and headed down to baggage claim - with a quick stop to the ladies room. That's when I was hit by that moment of panic when I noticed that my company-issued Blackberry was missing. My foggy brain was slow trying to put the facts together. I was on the plane and called Tim to let him know we landed. Heading for the tram, I used it to check my email. How could I have lost it in that short distance?
I left the ladies room and headed up the escalator to get to Point A to retrace my steps when a voice behind me asked "did you drop this" and my Blackberry was suddenly in view. I looked to see who this kind samaritan was only to find that it was my evil boyfriend who had snuck up behind me and lifted it like a practiced pick-pocket. No kiss for him!!
He did try to make it up to me by taking me out to dinner, and then we went home and watched a movie, and went to bed early. I just got up... after 12 hours of sleep.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Sleepless in Las Vegas
And monotonous. Yes, it has slot machines down every corridor. And that constant chiming and beeping has given me a headache. Off to Hudson's News I went to buy some Tylenol. $4.30 for 6 pills - so much for not spilling my money.
Anyway, here's why you should never fly American Airlines between Tampa and Las Vegas...
You would think that having a hub in Dallas would give you plenty of optional flights. Thinking I had a full day of work in Vegas today, the only flight available after 5pm (or even 2:10pm for that matter) was 11:00pm. But my day ended up early... really early. I called Orbitz for Business, who said that there were flights with available seats - but I should go to the airport and get on the standby list to avoid the change fee ($150 + the difference in airfare = total of about $450). I even called American Airlines but they said my ticket was booked through US Airways and that I should call them. Of course they sent me back to American because American currently held the ticket. (Is it any wonder the airline industry is in such turmoil)?
Upon arrival at the airport, I was informed that the two other flights both had their standby lists closed - having over 30 standby passengers. I really had no desire to head back to a casino and lose my life savings so I thought I'd stay here get some work done.
I worked on my work work, and researched airline fees and policies (to make sure this doesn't happen again), figured out how to do this blog thing, and still lost $$$ in the airport. The food is pricey and not all that great. There's no real restaurant to speak of (Chili's ToGo doesn't count). And it was NOT fun having to have both lunch and dinner here. Actually, the Wolfgang Puck Express had a pretty darned good veggie pizza.
Dinner was at "Burke in the Box". Apparently "Burke" is some celebrity chef and I was told that the food was great. So, I headed there at 6pm and ordered a chicken panini. It was delivered... along with a To Go box and a big hint to leave - seems they closed at 6:15pm. What?! No matter, the wireless connection was terrible and they didn't even have unsweetened tea. I ate the fries and hours later I ate the insides of the sandwich. Even the panini bread was kind of hard. And I paid $18 for that!! More spillage...