Tim is on a mission to kick my ass in a 5k run. He has been "closet training" and following the "Run Less, Run Faster" beginner program. He's starting from the basics and plans to progress quickly through all of their 5k training programs.
He does not like to run with me. I think that's because I have this subconscious thing when it comes to anyone running around my pace. If they inch ahead of me, I inch up too. Before too long, we may both be sprinting! And he hates that! But last night, he let me run with him. But I had to agree to run his pace. That wasn't difficult to agree to after this hard leg week at CrossFit. We ran a 3 mile loop around The Pier.
I think that he will only let me run with him as long as I am still doing CrossFit and am pretty worn out!
This morning it was raining and there was lots of lightning and thunder. That meant no swimming, so even dedicated swimmer Ted opted for CrossFit this morning.
Today we did:
"It's All About the Bench"
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Handstand push-ups 5 reps
Bench press 135 pounds, 10 reps
Push press 95 pounds, 15 reps
Dips 20 reps
HSPU's were on the blue/blue bands. 75# for bench press. 45# for push press. Jumping/box assisted ring dips.
I got 3 rounds plus 5 wimpy HSPU's.
This was SO hard!
I got to where I could only do 1 or 2 bench presses at a time. With Dawn closing in on me with one more press, I missed the rack on one side and had to duck for cover with the bar coming down on top of me. Marc was scrambling to get over and grab the bar.... and me? I was just laughing.
And, I could barely do 3 hspu's in the first round but just eeked out the 5, but in subsequent rounds, my arms would just collapse causing me to lower into a somersault and lay it out on the floor. How did Marc and DL describe my workout? Amtrak - because I was such a train wreck!!
This was my morning at CrossFit:

Interesting how they have you doing a banded HSPU. Until we are able to shoulder press our body weight, we're not allowed to go upside down. So I'm stuck shoulder pressing two 25# dumbbells every time HSPUs come around. I always think I can go heavier, but Maggie always makes me stay with 25#. I always want to argue with her about it, but then when the workout starts, I suffer plenty. I know I can do the handstand, but until I can shoulder press multiple reps at 145#, I'm not going to be allowed to do the HSPU. I would like to try a scaled HSPU, where my body weight is supported on a band or a bar rack or a plyo box, but they don't offer us that option. So even though your workout may have been a train wreck today, you get kudos for going upside down, in my book!