Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hammer Time

Today I had a pretty easy wod at CrossFit. Marc created another Gimp/Taper wod that was a modified Jackie:

For time:
1000m row
50 x push press @ 15#
30 x pull-ups (blue)

The row was hard because I still can't bend my left knee all the, nor can I straighten it all the way so I wasn't getting full range of motion. The push press was probably too easy, I think 25# for 50 reps would have been good (don't tell Marc). And I still used the blue band since I can't jump so well.

Time: 9:48
I actually would have liked to have done 2 rounds of this workout.

Dawn and I got in some much needed stretching afterward so it was nice to have the extra time.

Work was hellish again... proposals, ugh!

I picked Jordan up around 5:00 and we drove to the Misener Bridge for our first hill run. Today I scheduled a simple 3 mile run including a warm up, over the bridge and back, and a cool down. This way I could show Jordan how to run up and down without tiring out the legs.

We made it over the bridge and ran out a ways then turned around to come back up the bridge. I was a little ahead of her and was thinking that I should have told her not to look at where she was going but to either look down at the ground or look out around the scenery. I stopped at the top of the bridge and turned around to find her calling my name. I jogged over to the edge of the bridge where she was standing and she pointed down into the water below, along the shoreline, and there it was - a HAMMERHEAD SHARK! Cool!!! There was just one and looked to be about 5 feet long - but that was from my point of view at the top of the bridge, which meant it was likely a lot longer than that! Yikes!

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