Saturday, Jordan and I were scheduled to run 12 miles. We got a late start because of the lightning and had to end by 8:30 because Jordan had to leave. So we got together again at 2pm (in the heat of the day) to knock out the last 3 miles. I decided not to wear my knee brace since my knee was feeling terrific, even after running 9 miles. Not good. Now I'm in pain again. At least I know that I can wear the knee brace and run forever! But I have a doctor's appointment today and another massage on Wednesday. No more running without the brace and I should have no problems come marathon time.
I did CrossFit this morning and we had CrossFit Total. This is a one rep, maximum weight, for back squat, push press, and deadlift. I knew I had to go easy because of my knee but I did better than I thought I would. Back squat was 95# (I think that equaled my previou PR). Push press was 55# (below my PR, that was pathetic). I almost gave up on the deadlift at 105#. But I lifted 95# and it seemed like my leg loosened up so I went for it at 125# and again at 135# and decided to stop there. Total 285# - previous PR was 295# so I wasn't too far off!
Now for the swimming...
Of course it wasn't me swimming. Sunday was the last day for the St. Pete Masters to do their 5k or 10k swim. Tim already did his 10k swim so he was only swimming 5k today. I was timing for him and Kern (also doing 5k). Dawn was swimming 10k (her first ever). And Keith, also known as Driftwood, was swimming his first 10k... a daunting task for a slooooow swimmer.
Tim and Kern getting ready
Tim and Mark are hanging out in the pool,
watching Driftwood swim back and forth
and back and forth.
This 41 second video will give you an idea of how slow he was:
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