Friday, July 10, 2009

Individual Time Trial

Sometimes, CrossFit is like the Individual Time Trial (ITT) for the Tour de France (can you tell I'm watching the Tour every day?).

In the ITT, the first rider starts and after 2 minutes, the 2nd rider starts, and so on until all 180 riders have gone. The first one to cross the line is #1... at least until another rider beats his time.

And so it was with yesterdays Badger workout. I was #1 on the board... because I did the workout at 5:30am. So it would be interesting to see how many places I would fall by the time the Dammit gym closed at 7pm.

When I went in this morning, I was very, very surprised to see that I was still #2 on the big board. Until Marc explained that, due to the heavy rain, no one could go out and do the run. Since we've never had this workout before, I was able to keep the #2 spot only because they had to change the workout to something else later in the day. See what happens when you make the effort to get out of bed and get to the gym?

On the other hand, I happened to mention to everyone that my trip to San Antonio (I'm leaving in the AM) is my last schedule trip for the month of July. That lasted only until my first conference call today when I got scheduled for two more trips. So, next week I'm in San Antonio, the week after that, I'm in Mobile, AL, and the week after that, I'll be in Philadelphia.

I guess I'd rather be busy than unemployed - but I'm ready for a little lull in the action!!

Today's WOD was "Randy". 75# Power Snatch - 75 reps for time. (Rx for women was 50#). I started at 45# and after two reps, I just could not get the bar lifted. DL came over and unloaded some weight and got me to 35# and that was way too easy. He added back some weight and I finished the last 65 reps with 40#. I finished in 16:59. 40# was challenging enough to make me break a big sweat and even lose form on a few of the lifts, but 45# was way too heavy. I think 42# would have been perfect.... but don't tell that to Marc & DL!!

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