Thursday morning, I got up when the alarm went off and felt really groggy but made it to CrossFit. The workout was:
95lb Three-Way
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
95 pound Thruster, 5 reps
95 pound Hang Powercleans, 7 reps
95 pound Sumo Deadlift High-pull, 10 reps
I was thinking that, realistically, I could do this at 45#. But Marc, the torture monger, set me up at 55#. It was so hard, but I got through 5 rounds, plus 7 HPC's, plus one SDHP.
When I got hom, I realized that I was in a lot of pain - and it had nothing to do with CrossFit. I had such pain in my upper back and neck that I could hardly turn my head. I alternated working and laying on the couch. I took 600mg of ibuprofren, but nothing seemed to help. When Tim came over after work, he offered to take me out to dinner and I actually declined... that never happens! We had soup and I went to bed.
On Friday morning, I got up with plans to go to CrossFit but I hurt so bad that I just couldn't go in. I did my backbends over the fitness ball and that really helped. So I wasted an entire day off not being able to work out. Instead, I spent 5 to 10 minutes on the fitness ball almost every hour just to get a good stretch and it really, really helped.
Today, I wanted to head out for a nice long bike ride followed by a run. I met Tim at North Shore Pool and we started just a couple of minutes in front of the 7am group. About 2 miles out, as we were nearing Thrill Hill, the pack caught up with us. As I merged into the pack and started gearing up, all of the sudden my bike made a horrible racket and pedaling my bike felt like something was grinding. I stopped pedaling and slowly breaked as all of the cyclists went around me. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with my chain when I looked around and saw my derailleur laying on the road - broken into pieces. The cable had sheared, my rear cassett was loose.
Looking at this mess, I realized that it's amazing that I didn't crash and take out of few other cyclists with me. This definitely could have been much worse!
In the meantime, Little John rode to the front of the pack to let Tim know that I had a problem. "Flat tire", Tim asked. "No, her derailleur came off". Tim pulled out and came back to where I was. Two guys walking by attempted to help, but it was obvious that I just had to walk my bike back. I sent Tim on to ride since there was nothing he could do.
When I got back to North Shore Pool, another cyclist looked at my bike and also noticed that my rear seat stay had cracked, meaning that my bike was no longer rideable... completely ruined. On top of that, one of the spokes on my rear tire was bent. He suggested that I take my bike back where I bought it and check into Treks "crash replacement program" - where you get a huge discount off of a new frame. Yikes!
Tim and I went to Chain Wheel Drive. They will take a picture of my frame and send it to Trek and let them determine whether it is repairable or if I have to get a new frame. Just in case, I've already picked out my new frame. The Trek Madone WSD 4.5 as pictured below only mine would be blue and black instead of blue and white.
Whatever the cost, it will be money better spent on the bike than on doctor bills, or broken bones.
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