Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mobile in Mobile

Get it? I'm driving around in Mobile, Alabama!

The day after Filthy Fifty saw no mercy at the Dammit Gym yesterday morning.

We did "Nancy": 5 Rounds for Time of 400m Run and Overhead Squats (OHSs) x 15 reps

By the way... that's not ME.

When the timer started, I ran out the door for the 400m run and shook out the morning cobwebs. Re-entering the gym, I grabbed the 45# bar off of the rack for my 15 OHSs, then bolted out the door for the next 400m run - already feeling the fatigue in my legs.

What a surprise when I re-entered the gym to find that Marc added another 10# to my bar!!! I did 10 squats and dropped the bar. Marc put it back on the rack and I lifted it for the next 5 squats and headed back out the door. After that, for the remaining 3 rounds, I would not stop during the squats because it seemed harder than just getting the 15 squats over with, even though it really stressed my arms and hurt my hands.

But that was not a good move. Marc told me that the next time this comes up, he'll add another 10# just because I was able to do all 15 squats without any rest. Argh!! Damn the progress!!

This morning, I had to be up by 4am to catch my 6am flight to Atlanta and on to Mobile. But it doesn't really matter that I'm mobile in Mobile... there's just not that much to see or do around here... at least not for one evening.

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