Monday, August 31, 2009
Sky Blogging
This is cool and actually works pretty well... I'm getting a good response time. Right now, I have several windows open (not on the airplane, of course) so I'm using email, Facebook, Twitter, and I'm even shopping Ikea online - all while blogging too! Pretty cool.
Saturday I had a big adventure taking Fred and Wilma to the vet. Fred used to be a real devil but he's gotten more mellow as he's gotten older. But that didn't prevent him from throwing a fit when they took him to the back to draw blood. They carried him out of the room we were in and brought him back in a towel!
But he is getting older and for the first time, they are talking "if he's still around when it's time for his next rabies shot in 3 years". He's starting to get cataracts... I could tell a while back that those were developing". And, he has small tumors in one ear. They said it's nothing to worry about now but we'll have to keep an eye on them because they could get big and could become cancerous. Other than that, he's doing well for a geriatric cat.
Wilma was funny at the vet. She decided to play possum. She just went completely limp and let them do whatever they wanted. She was so happy to get home and be free!!
Sunday, I finally tried getting out for a run. My left knee has been bothering me so much that sometimes, it's hard to even walk around. I had a deep, deep tissue massage on Friday and even had to recover from that. Saturday, I was still in too much pain to try running. But I iced it a lot and took my ibuprofren. Sunday, I felt comfortable enough to get in 9 miles!! Then I went home and iced it some more, and stretched.
It feels pretty good today but it tends to hurt more after I've been sitting a long time (like on this airplane). So I'm sure I'll be a gimp for a little while when I land in San Antonio. The hotel I'm staying at is supposed to have a great swimming pool so I'll take a dip later to loosen up.
Now I think we're over Mississippi...
Saturday, August 29, 2009
My Brand "Used" Car!
What I Learned in School
This is what we have been learning.
I guess that's why my head is spinning.
I got up Tuesday morning and did a 3 mile jog on the treadmill, including a warm-up and intervals, then it was back to class – ALL day. For dinner, Carl and I went to Bertucci’s. This was a decent Italian restaurant, although we both had fish.
I was too tired Wednesday to get up and do any training and we had class again ALL day. Right after class, five of us met in the hotel lobby to work on our “test” for the class then headed out for dinner.
It seems like all I’m doing is training (the brain), sleeping, and eating.
Thursday was so busy that we even ordered lunch in so that we could finish by the time I had to leave for the airport.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I Found It
Friday, August 21, 2009
Tabata THAT!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Woeful Wednesday
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Sleeping on the Job / Angie
This is Fred... sleeping on the job... literally. That notebook he's sleeping on is my book of notes that I'm supposed to be typing into a document for a customer. Fred is really overkill when it comes to paper weights. And look at his silly little fangs!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Fight Gone Bad
Monday, August 10, 2009
The REST of the WOD
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tim Discovers the Web Cam
Yesterday, I felt pretty good all day... none of those "pill in my throat" feelings. But then, around 4pm, I thought I'd better eat a little something before swimming at 6:30. I ate two slices of the whole grain bread that I bought from Rollin Oats (with a little butter). Immediately, that pain came back. That's when it dawned on me that I might have a gluten intolerance.
Anyway, I dealt with it and went on to swim and had a nice swim with Troy. Our first swim Tuesday was 1000 yards, today the goal was 1200, which we finished in less time than the 1000. We'll have a steady progress to increase our yards over the next few weeks, settling in at 2000 with an occasional 2500.
Dinner was organic beef hamburgers (only1 for me, 4oz... no bun, thank you very much), applesauce with cinnamon, and spiced sweet potato chips. And one glass of red wine.
I woke up this morning when the alarm went off and got out of bed to get ready to go to CrossFit when I suddenly realized... I am sick. I had a slight fever and those miserable body aches. I called Dawn to cancel, took 3 ibuprofren and went back to bed... for four more hours!!
I felt like a million bucks when I got up! Even the soreness in my legs from the weeks workouts was gone and I was looking forward to a 6 to 10 mile run tomorrow.
Tim and I exchanged information that we discovered on gluten intolerance and I found out that I'm eating so many things I shouldn't. Even my Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal is not safe from gluten. And who would have thought that my imitation crab meat has gluten! Tim and I are going to try to cut out all foods with gluten for at least 30 days to see if we feel any better. I'm printing a list of all the confirmed and possible foods with gluten so that we can avoid things like meatballs, creamed vegetables, gravy (things I don't eat anyway) and suspect foods like yogurt I'll have to investigate to see if mine had gluten in it... I sure hope not.
I went to "The Meat Man" today and bought a couple of T-bone steaks which I grilled and served along with an organic salad (with Gillian McKeith's recipe for salad dressing), and baked sweet potatos, with another glass of wine. None of this should have gluten in it.
Tim and I enjoyed a fun evening playing on my new mini laptop, when I turned on the web cam!!
Here is a picture of me with my new haircut (just got it today)!!
And here are pictures of Tim being all excited about being on the web cam...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Food, Inc.
A few of the XFit ladies got together for dinner and a movie last night. We had wine and a lite dinner at Taps in Tampa. I had an absolutely marvelous crab-stuffed portobello mushroom. The stuffing included bits of asparagus and horseradish!!
Gina, Sam, Lisa, Jordan, Barbara, and Carolyn
Food, Inc. was a very informative movie. It educates you about what goes on behind the scenes in the food industry and pretty much what they do to place your health at risk for their opportunity to make a buck. They touched briefly on slaughter houses, but not to the gory extent. But they even showed chickens being killed at an organic farm. It's never nice to see this sort of thing and yet, the organic environment was far more appealing.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Don't mind her... she's just paralyzed
At that age, we didn't really know what it meant to be paralyzed. We didn't know that people who are paralyzed have no control over their muscles - we thought they were just "stuck" in that position. I don't think we ever even saw a paralyzed person, except on TV (Perry Mason).
Now Arielle is racing on her high school track team and has raced in the Gasparilla 15k, ING Half Marathon, and other races! Here is her story:
CAF is always looking for donations, but now, they are looking for recipients! If you know of anyone, young or young at heart, who may benefit from an athletic wheel chair, email me at so we can get them in touch with CAF. We all donate to good causes, but how many times do we really get to see the end result?!
Now, back to my Barbie story... I started my day feeling like the old Barbie. My legs were soooo sore from the last two days that it was even hard to sleep. I kept crouching into the "child pose" and could barely get my butt down to my heels - my quads felt completely swollen.
So I didn't know how I would ever make it through today's WOD - a 10k time trial. Dawn and I made plans to meet at North Shore Pool to start our run at 5:45... and I planned to be there early to warm up. I originally planned on a 3 mile warmup but I could barely move. I managed about 800 yards but was surprised how much my legs loosened up just starting and stopping for 800 yards.
If I'd had my cell phone with me, I would have canceled the run! But Dawn arrived and we both begrudgingly agreed to get it over with. My Garmin locked up so I thought I'd just do the entire 6.2 miles with her. We started out with the full moon low in the sky. As we got going, my legs did start to loosen up more. At the half way point, Dawn gave me her Garmin so I was able to pick up the pace during the last half. I finished in 57:50 and Dawn came in at 58:45. My latest 10k races have been in the range of 51:35 to 52:24 so that shows how stiff I was and how humid it was. But it was really great just to be able to get this run in.
We finished with the sun just coming up over Tampa Bay - always a beautiful sight!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
300 - The Magic Number
I just bought an Acer Aspire One. Finally, a non-work-issued laptop. So now I can load my own stuff without having to worry about being against company policy. And, I think I'll do most of my traveling with this little guy and not have to lug around my big work laptop.