Friday, August 21, 2009

Tabata THAT!

So Wednesday, I did that WOD consisting of 400m run, 50 double-unders, and 25x Push Press at 55#, 5 times.

DL had asked me what weight I use on the Push Press for Fight Gone Bad. I told him that I did it as Rx'd so he loaded 65# on the bar. He had me to the first 25 at 65# and it about killed me. Then he lowered the weight to 55#. Well...the Rx'd weight for FGB was only 50#. So I hurt my shoulder patting myself on the back! (kidding).

Thursday morning, the WOD was "Death by Pull-Ups".
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute… continuing as long as you are able.

I was so sore from the double-unders and push press yesterday so I knew this would be hard today. After the 1st pull-up in the 1st minute I grabbed a 25# plate to add to the box I was standing on. I thought that would be better than reverting back to the blue band. I was able to keep going and got 15 rounds - finishing just as the clock expired.

Then, I had to drive 4 hours to Jacksonville for a one hour meeting with a customer - and then turn around and drive home. And the meeting was at 3pm. Ugh!!

All that did was make me stiff all over, from head to foot. The tightness in my left quad caused me knee to ache and it really hurt every time I had to press on the clutch.

Today we were scheduled to do a front squat workout but DL already had it in his mind that Dawn and I would do a Tabata row 16 x 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off. That way, we could loosen up and be able to train this weekend.

I was so stiff that I didn't even do the warm up. Instead, I massaged with the foam roller, then set up our C2 rowers. Luckily, the C2 rower that I used for the Tabata workout wasn't working properly - no display. Cool!! That meant no results. So I just rowed when Dawn rowed and rested when Dawn rested. Of course DL knew I was slacking and would come by every few minutes to remind that if I was talking, then I wasn't working hard enough!!

So true!

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