Monday, August 31, 2009

Sky Blogging

I'm on a Delta flight from Atlanta to San Antonio. Delta handed out promo codes to try out their in-flight wi-fi so I'm blogging from somewhere over.... hmm I think we're still over Alabama.

This is cool and actually works pretty well... I'm getting a good response time. Right now, I have several windows open (not on the airplane, of course) so I'm using email, Facebook, Twitter, and I'm even shopping Ikea online - all while blogging too! Pretty cool.

Saturday I had a big adventure taking Fred and Wilma to the vet. Fred used to be a real devil but he's gotten more mellow as he's gotten older. But that didn't prevent him from throwing a fit when they took him to the back to draw blood. They carried him out of the room we were in and brought him back in a towel!

But he is getting older and for the first time, they are talking "if he's still around when it's time for his next rabies shot in 3 years". He's starting to get cataracts... I could tell a while back that those were developing". And, he has small tumors in one ear. They said it's nothing to worry about now but we'll have to keep an eye on them because they could get big and could become cancerous. Other than that, he's doing well for a geriatric cat.

Wilma was funny at the vet. She decided to play possum. She just went completely limp and let them do whatever they wanted. She was so happy to get home and be free!!

Sunday, I finally tried getting out for a run. My left knee has been bothering me so much that sometimes, it's hard to even walk around. I had a deep, deep tissue massage on Friday and even had to recover from that. Saturday, I was still in too much pain to try running. But I iced it a lot and took my ibuprofren. Sunday, I felt comfortable enough to get in 9 miles!! Then I went home and iced it some more, and stretched.

It feels pretty good today but it tends to hurt more after I've been sitting a long time (like on this airplane). So I'm sure I'll be a gimp for a little while when I land in San Antonio. The hotel I'm staying at is supposed to have a great swimming pool so I'll take a dip later to loosen up.

Now I think we're over Mississippi...

1 comment:

  1. That wifi in the air sounds really neat. It's too bad we aren't still in San Antonio but I'm glad to be out of that heat!!!
