Monday, August 17, 2009


First of all, my weekend of running was terrible!! I was having a very bad allergy weekend. On Saturday, I couldn't breath just walking around the house, even after taking my inhaler. So, I ran errands and worked on the house instead.

That afternoon, Tim and I went to a surprise birthday party for Marc Wheeler. Jess and Diva did a great job arranging this surprise party at the Feather Sound Country Club!

You can see that Marc was really surprised!

I think Marc is giving me the evil eye for taking this picutre!

The rest of the day Saturday was running errands and then lots of rest because Tim had his 10k swim and I was running 13 miles on Sunday morning.

But, I got up Sunday morning and headed out for my run at 5:30am. I made it about 5 miles and stopped at Tim's condo. There was lightning in the distance and it just seemed like it was getting closer. It was really windy as TD #1 (soon to be Claudette) was spinning off the coast of St. Petersburg. And maybe it was the low pressure system that just made me feel like crap. So that's all I got in for my run.

Tim and I wandered over to North Shore Pool and I timed for him and Dawn. Dawn did the 5k swim. Tim finished the 10k swim in 2hrs 24 minutes. A little slower than last year but he wasn't expecting a great performance and was pleased with his results.

Today (Monday), Dawn and I ran to XFit even though we knew the WOD was 800m repeats. I also opted not to use my inhaler. Sometimes I feel that if I work through it, it will get better, but I would definitely have been more comfortable with the inhaler. After running to XFit, we did the full warm-up, then got started on the 4x800m sprints with 2 minutes max rest in between. My goal was to negative split so I had to run comfortably hard on the first interval and get more uncomfortable as I went along. Results: 4:02, 3:49, 3:38, 3:34... I was sure I wasn't going to get another negative split on that last one so I was pretty surprised.

While we rested up afterwards, and cheered on Chalka during his run, we noticed something odd in the sky. So 7 of us stood out in the parking lot (with Chalka running), trying to figure out what this UFO was... even though we knew it was something logical, at the time, for us, it was unidentified.

We went through a process of elimination... the contrail was too big to be a plane and looked more like the Shuttle. But none of us had heard anything about the Shuttle being launched today. And the trajectory was different that the Shuttle - it didn't go straight up - it sort of headed off to the eastern horizon. But the contrail was amazing! Closer to the ground, it was red because the sun was coming up. Higher up it was as bright as a really fat bolt of lightning. Then, we watched as the contrail got really, really big and you could see a separation like you would from the Shuttle!

Then it was finally posted on our news website:
The Delta II Rocket was launched for the final time (and this picture just doesn't come close to the spectacular view that we had)!

Oh... and after the WOD, I worked on pull-ups again. I can do kipping jumping pull-ups. I can do a dead hang using the blue band. Marc had me try a dead hang using the blue band with only my knee in it and I could get one and struggled to barely make the 2nd. So this is what I'll be working on after every WOD. He also reminded me to "grease the groove" at home using my own pull-up bar. He did not approve of me using my pull-up bar as a Medal Holder!!

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