Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Fight Gone Bad

Fight Gone Bad is one of those love/hate WOD's. You hate it when you are standing there getting ready to start. But you love it when it's over!!

This is another one of those workouts that caters to my ADHD. There are three rounds with one minute rest between each round. Each round consists of five stations and you get one minute at each station to do as many reps as possible. You add up your total reps for your score. (For rowing, you count the number of calories on the C2 rower). The stations are (followed by my reps for each round):

1. Wall Balls, women use the 10# ball (20, 22, 23)
2. Sumo Deadlift High Pull with a 50# bar (12, 14, 12)
3. Box jumps on the 16" box (12, 12, 15)
4. Push Press with 50# on the bar (8, 10, 9)
5. Row (9, 8, 9)

My total score was 195.
Maybe I need more of a warm-up because my reps should probably be going down instead of up. On the other hand, that might also mean that I'd do less reps over all. Dawn hates the Wall Ball and I don't mind them so much. Sure they are hard as heck, but I can keep up with most of the guys in the gym. But I am at a distinct disadvantage on the box jumps and rowing due being "height challenged". I feel like I'm trying to jump over a fence on the box jumps when everyone else looks like they are just hopping up and down. I've got to find me some hang time!!

Now I'm on to the 2nd WOD of the day - painting the living room. I'll post pictures when it's done... it's a big change for me!

1 comment:

  1. Great job on FGB, Cis!! Box jumps are tough for me, too. Jeff says "soft feet" to me for the landing because I get so worried about missing and falling on my face that I end up STOMPING on the box. I waste a lot of energy. Meanwhile, Sam with his powerful hip flexors can jump much higher than the 24" box. He just sails up there without any effort at all. You're good at wall balls, too, to get as many reps as you do in 1 minute. Do you have a mark to throw to? We have to hit the 10-foot mark with each shot. It's been a while since I've done FGB, and I'm not looking forward to it the next time around.
