Yesterday, I felt pretty good all day... none of those "pill in my throat" feelings. But then, around 4pm, I thought I'd better eat a little something before swimming at 6:30. I ate two slices of the whole grain bread that I bought from Rollin Oats (with a little butter). Immediately, that pain came back. That's when it dawned on me that I might have a gluten intolerance.
Anyway, I dealt with it and went on to swim and had a nice swim with Troy. Our first swim Tuesday was 1000 yards, today the goal was 1200, which we finished in less time than the 1000. We'll have a steady progress to increase our yards over the next few weeks, settling in at 2000 with an occasional 2500.
Dinner was organic beef hamburgers (only1 for me, 4oz... no bun, thank you very much), applesauce with cinnamon, and spiced sweet potato chips. And one glass of red wine.
I woke up this morning when the alarm went off and got out of bed to get ready to go to CrossFit when I suddenly realized... I am sick. I had a slight fever and those miserable body aches. I called Dawn to cancel, took 3 ibuprofren and went back to bed... for four more hours!!
I felt like a million bucks when I got up! Even the soreness in my legs from the weeks workouts was gone and I was looking forward to a 6 to 10 mile run tomorrow.
Tim and I exchanged information that we discovered on gluten intolerance and I found out that I'm eating so many things I shouldn't. Even my Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal is not safe from gluten. And who would have thought that my imitation crab meat has gluten! Tim and I are going to try to cut out all foods with gluten for at least 30 days to see if we feel any better. I'm printing a list of all the confirmed and possible foods with gluten so that we can avoid things like meatballs, creamed vegetables, gravy (things I don't eat anyway) and suspect foods like yogurt I'll have to investigate to see if mine had gluten in it... I sure hope not.
I went to "The Meat Man" today and bought a couple of T-bone steaks which I grilled and served along with an organic salad (with Gillian McKeith's recipe for salad dressing), and baked sweet potatos, with another glass of wine. None of this should have gluten in it.
Tim and I enjoyed a fun evening playing on my new mini laptop, when I turned on the web cam!!
Here is a picture of me with my new haircut (just got it today)!!

And here are pictures of Tim being all excited about being on the web cam...

After dinner, we were enjoying a lovely (not) show on Discovery Channel (it's Shark Week). I felt good all day. Then all of the sudden, that fever came back. I mean, it came on within 30 to 60 seconds, complete with body aches, headache and a majorly rumbling stomach. I'm not sure what's going on. Along with the fever, I also felt really, really cold (and the thermostat is set to 78). I took 3 more ibuprofren and am now typing this post. I sure hope this goes away as quickly and completely as it did the last time.
I really don't need another excuse not to go for a run!
Wow! It's amazing that after all these years you are just now finding out that you may be allergic to gluten. That really cuts down on the things you can eat. I guess you will have to eat like a rabbit. It's a good thing you like vegetables.
ReplyDeleteI hope you are feeling better and are not coming down with the dreaded swine flu.
I like your haircut. I have always liked you better in short hair as it frames you face nicely. Did you give your hair to Locks of Love?